Interview Experiences

Hi friends,

This is a common post to share my three different Interview Experiences. I mention them here as Data Science helped me a lot in all the three places. Thanks a lot to my interesting domain which I have explored, exploring and will explore a lot in the future. 

The three Interviews I attended were of Amazon, Capgemini and Cognizant. Let me share about each one.

This was the very first interview attended and it was on October 4, 2017. I was very eager and enthusiastic for my first interview. There were three rounds. The first one was Just a Minute and we were given freedom to speak on our own desired topic. I spoke on "The bridge between the Philosophy and the Technology." At the end of my one minute I somehow confused the person who was interviewing but he was impressed with my different and unique topic and content. The second round was written and it was conducted online and it had two sub parts - Grammar & Mail Composition and Voice check. Only me and my beloved bestie went till Written Part I and due to some shift issues she left. Only me went through the next round. I cleared the voice and was waiting for the HR Round. I was waiting, waiting , waiting since noon and it nearly became the time of dusk. Then I was called for HR round.
This is the most interesting part to share.
As like other interviews, I introduced myself and then he asked a few questions, related to BPO!! Yes, the designation was for Call, Chat and Voice. Then he asked how I got interest into Data Science seeing my Paper Presentations, Online Certifications and so on from my resume. I answered that I like Cricket more and it involved more of Statistics. I also love Mathematics. This R tool helped me to explore more about these things and also with Mam's guidance I worked on this. He asked who was my favorite cricketer and I said MS Dhoni. He added that his favorite too was him! He was surprised with my extra activities and here comes the twist.
He said the following as a friend. He started as saying, "As a Well Wisher, I wish to say a few things. You are really much talented and you deserve more than this BPO job. Please do explore more". I had a mixed feeling of happiness for his appreciation and sadness as it was my first interview and I was done. I came out with a different feel. After a few minutes, the first person who heard my JAM called me and said sadly that I wasn't selected. He was seeing my active participation since morning and he could not believe that I didn't make it out. I smiled at him and came off happily.
One of the different experience really!!!

This was an off-campus interview which was held at KGISL on October 30 and 31, 2017. We had online test with aptitude - quants and logical with verbal test in the form of an essay writing. I got the topic - "Is Bribery fair in unavoidable circumstances?" Been from Amrita background, wrote well in the Dharmic perspective and got selected for the Technical round which was on the next day. On the next day, we had our Semester Exam for Self Study paper and completing that in a hurry burry manner and reached the interview spot around 1 pm. Though we reached soon, we were the last batch to be interviewed around 5 pm. I attended the Technical round and it lasted for just 5 minutes and the person who went before me took about 45 minutes!!!
In the 5 minutes, the interviewer didn't ask me any complicated questions. The very first sentence he said was "Your resume is different and impressive". He saw the various parts and he gave the chance to me to choose the domain of the question. I first said that any domain is comfortable. But after is constant insistence, I said R - Data Science. He smiled in a friendly manner and said that he was not much familiar with R. Then he said that he will go with C and ask some questions for formality. He asked funnily why C is followed by C++ and not D. I said about the OOPs and also it was named based on the increments done and ++ is the increment operator. With OOPs concept he asked me to explain the Overloading concept and I did and a Data Structures question for Linked list. Then he didn't ask me to wait rather he said please go and attend the HR round. The candidates who completed technical were still waiting but I went to HR. Even in that cabin, I spent just 5 minutes. Seeing my resume, he asked me to introduce, I did. Then here there was only 1 question. Seeing my paper publication of the topic - GST Sentiment Analysis, he asked "Is GST good or bad?" I answered immediately as GOOD. He was impressed. An awesome smile in his face revealed. I added that there are few controversies and criticisms now... He stopped me and said you are right and all will be set right soon. Then I added and this is for great future India. He was very much satisfied with my perspective and without saying the word selected, he said that we need not lose you, soon accept our bond and relocation. I smiled and said thank you and came. That was one of the most memorable day in my life. As the training was in Pune, with two years of agreement, I couldn't work for this awesome company. Till today, I get a call two days once!! Sorry Capgemini :(

CTS was an on campus and we had this Recruitment process on January 3, 4, 2018. On the first day, we had online test with Aptitude questions - Quants, Logical and Verbal. That was a bit tough but somehow we made it. The next day, the first round was Group Discussion and our batch topic was "Is Facebook god or bad?" From our batch of 10 people, 6 made to the next round Technical. In the technical round, seeing my resume with Data Analytics interest, the interviewer tried to pressurize me saying that why have you given much importance to this Data Science and it comes under Mathematics and she said that she cannot consider that and asked me questions from Ethical Hacking, Cyber Security domain. I managed a bit as I was not familiar in detail. She didn't ask further questions and was somehow impressed with my way of tackling and then spoke generally about schooling and so on. Then the next round was for Voice check that is for fluency. A strict interviewer asked us questions. Seeing my resume and my interest over novels she asked about my book reading habit and the plot of the recent story. I spoke for some couple of minutes and then after some formal questions, I was asked to wait. I and my friend quickly finished off our lunch and came sharply at 12.58 pm as they said they will resume the process by 1 pm. Only we and the HR were present. I was the first person to attend the HR in our final crew of thirteen. After my formal self introduction, the HR asked about my other activities. I said about our 1 week NSS camp in our adopted village and my three times hosting experiences in our Department function and the paper publication. He was stunned seeing my extra work on the Sentiment Analysis using R tool. He asked me why I did that. I said that mam gave work and I did to know more. He was flabbergasted and said that this work is done by B.Tech Students for final year projects and you are saying that you did just like that. I became very happy. Then he congratulated for my National Level III Rank in NPTEL and also advised me not to stop learning and appreciated me more. Then while announcing the result, he said me as the most smartest girl and apprciated in front of our Placement Officer and co-candidates. This day is one other day which added a feather on my cap. Yes, I was selected and will soon join Cognizant!!

These are the three different yet amazing days in my final year. My best wishes for everyone who are gonna attend interview. Don't get panic. Explore more things great and the company will be waiting to fetch you as their asset.

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