
Showing posts from May, 2018

Trends Extraction

Create a twitter account. Sign up and sign in. Click on to the manage apps. Create a new application with name and description. Create the access token and note the Consumer token and Consumer Secret.  Refer the following link to create a Twitter API to extract tweets. with pictorial explanation. The package to be used to extract the current Twitter trends using R tool is, twitteR - it provides interface to the Twitter API. library(twitteR) As the next step, we have to set the WOEID (Where On Earth IDentifier). For India, the WOEID is 23424848 woeid <- 23424848 The next step is to set up the Twitter Authentication. For this, we need, API Key, API Secret, Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. api_key <- "xxxxxxx" api_secret <- "xxxxxxx" consumer_key <- "xxxxxxx" consumer_secret <- "xxxxxxx" Set up the direct authentication usin

Linear Regression - R tool vs Manual Calculations

Linear Regression establishes a relationship between a dependent variable Y and one or more independent variables X using a best fit line known as Regression Line. The equation of the regression line can then be used to predict value of Y for any given X. Regression Analysis is one of  the important Statistical tool to establish the relationship between two variables. The value of the predictor variable is gathered through experiments. The value of the response variable is derived from the predictor variable.  The general mathematical equation for Linear Regression is y = ax + b Here,  y is the response variable x is the predictor variable a and b are the constants called as co - efficients. The following images show the manual method of finding the Linear Regression equations for the set of points X = ( 6, 2, 10, 4, 8) Y = (9, 11, 5, 8, 7) Let's calculate the same co efficients and fit the straight line using R. Step 1 : Lets crea

My first work with R

This was the very first word I did with the help of R on 16th June 2017! Word cloud is the Visual Representation of the text data. The most used word stand out. They are easy to understand and are simple.  The packages to be used for generating word cloud are tm - for text mining SnowballC - for text stemming wordcloud - word cloud generator RColorBrewer -  for color palettes Step 1 - Install and Load the required packages The packages can be installed using the code install.packages("Package Name") For example, install.packages("tm") To load the package in our program, the code is library("Package Name") For example, library("SnowballC") Step 2 - Text Mining Set the file path to fetch the text document filepath<-"~/leader.txt"  Read the text document using the function readLines() text <- readLines(filePath) Load the data as Corpus docs <- Corpus(VectorSource(text)) Inspect

Interview Experiences

Hi friends, This is a common post to share my three different Interview Experiences. I mention them here as Data Science helped me a lot in all the three places. Thanks a lot to my interesting domain which I have explored, exploring and will explore a lot in the future.  The three Interviews I attended were of Amazon, Capgemini and Cognizant. Let me share about each one. AMAZON: This was the very first interview attended and it was on October 4, 2017. I was very eager and enthusiastic for my first interview. There were three rounds. The first one was Just a Minute and we were given freedom to speak on our own desired topic. I spoke on " The bridge between the Philosophy and the Technology. " At the end of my one minute I somehow confused the person who was interviewing but he was impressed with my different and unique topic and content. The second round was written and it was conducted online and it had two sub parts - Grammar & Mail Composition and Voice

Paper Presentations

Good morning friends, Today, let me share my Paper Presentation Experiences.  We presented a paper on the topic - Sentiment Analysis on the Goods and Service Tax (GST) using the Twitter Data in the International Conference on Data Science and Analytics. It was held on Spetember 23, 2017.  The following frame shows the paper written by us! Our paper got published in their proceedings and this is our first work together. The frame shows the pages of our paper from it. This is our second work. We implemented the same concept of Sentiment Analysis. We took the tweets about NEET and analyzed the people's opinion and presented our paper as Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data - A Case Study. But ironically, this work we presented first in our Intercollegiate function conducted by the Department of Computer Science called Techwings on September 22, 2017, one day prior to the International Conference there. The following images shows the most happiest

Certification Courses

Hi friends, I wish to share my experience with the Online Certification Courses and my Guru's support. To be honest, more than the interest to learn new things in Data Science, mam's guidance and the appreciation made me to explore more. I completed three courses in the month of June - 2 courses for R and a course for Python the introductory level.  Please do explore these sites, These courses acted as the base for me to explore more and more. The knowledge gained from these platforms acted as a base to complete the great work - NPTEL - Introduction to R Software. We explored more and more about the R software and enjoyed learning from July 24, 2017 and successfully completed the exam on September 24, 2017. On the date of result, really I was surprised to secure 99% and mam was happy to the core more than me. One of the mistakes I did in exam was,  There was a question asking what's the answer

Road of Success

A warm welcome to all the wonderful people reading my Blog. Thank you. This is Raja Meenakshi, a young aspiring student from Avinashilingam University always passionate to do something different and unique. My interest for Data Science arose in the late 2016 with the supporting words of my soul of Inspiration - Dr. V. Srividhya, Asst Professor, Department of Computer Science, Avinashilingam University. Let me share some incidents how I got into this domain. My Guru gave me some tasks as basics for the final year project and also she insisted me to learn more in R and Python, the Data Science Tools. Then, in the early mid of 2017, in April after my fourth semester exams, we planned to work a lot and also we had sessions in college to explore more about R, the statistical software. We learnt few basic concepts in R and I did few Online certification courses in the Websites such as Datacamp, Udemy etc. They are really amazing and useful. Then the third academic year of my UG li