Power of Python

 Hi enthusiasts..

This is a small initiative to make the language promulgate from a novice view to the expert view. Let us all join together to learn Python from Scratch to become a Python King or Queen.

Are you guys ready?

Being a 90s kid, I was taught the language C in my 9th grade; followed by C++ in my 12th grade. Then the powerful Java came into my book of studies in my Under graduation. At a stage, I got perplexed, are we moving in the right track?

I could arrive at the answers in a slow pace. I got clear of the logics of C in my UG final year which I was introduced in my early education before 10th.

This dilemma is not only in my case, but everyone. Then I began my track of learning with the very beginning course of Programming - SCRATCH (https://scratch.mit.edu/) - the software developed by MIT people  to understand the Logic. It could teach even a 8 year old kid to understand Programming.

Slowly and steadily, then I got into the world of Python and started to peek into every nook and corner to understand every domain with Python - Programming to Analytics to Web Development to finally ML, DL, AI. Let's get dived into all those magical terms soon. And I'm here to share the building blocks which make up this amazing language of the Millennium - Python.

As a beginning, let us see a simple program starting from Scratch, let's travel through C, C++, Java and finally reach our destination PYTHON. Really you will be amazed by the Power of Python!

Let's implement a program to display the 7 tables using all the above discussed languages.
Shall we start from Scratch!

Here, we have made our cute kitten to recite the multiples of 7 using a loop. Interesting!

Let's move on to our very own languages C, C++ and Java.

This is bit complicated with all those control strings - %d.. %s.. blah..blah.. #NostalgicMemories 

Here comes the ancestor of our Java Jumbo - C++ with the concept of Classes and Objects. The above mentioned problem can be solved as like in C by replacing printf as cout and scanf as cin and some small changes. But as we are Champions, let's see with the concept of Class.

Next comes the so called Hero in the Programming World - Java!

But our real Hero is here - our Powerful Python! As simple as anything and as clear as Crystal. 

This is the mass Intro scene of our mass Hero - Python. Let's have more adventures soon. :)


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